Defense Production Act

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FEMA exercises the Defense Production Act (DPA) to support the DPA authority and functions of the FEMA Administrator and the FEMA Associate Administrator for the Office of Policy and Program Analysis (OPPA). The support focuses on promoting effective use of DPA authorities by FEMA and other DHS components and providing coordination and guidance for the DPA plans and programs of federal departments and agencies.

Use of DPA Authorities to Support Homeland Security Programs

The Defense Production Act is the primary source of presidential authorities to expedite and expand the supply of materials and services from the U.S. industrial base needed to promote the national defense. DPA authorities are available to support: emergency preparedness activities conducted pursuant to title VI of the Stafford Act; protection or restoration of critical infrastructure; and efforts to prevent, reduce vulnerability to, minimize damage from, and recover from acts of terrorism within the United States. DPA authorities may be used to:

Information about other DPA authorities in DPA Title VII.

Information for DHS Programs about Priority-Rated Orders

This link provides an overview of the process to place a priority-rated contract or order (“rated orders”) in support of a DHS Approved Program. It answers such questions as: who is responsible for directing use of a rated order; what contracts and orders are eligible for a priority rating; how is a Contracting Officer directed to place a rated order; and how does a contract or order become a rated order?

Information for Contractors about Priority-Rated Orders

See this link for questions and answers regarding priority-rated contracts and orders (“rated orders”), under the Defense Production Act. Answers explain what a rated order is, what is required of a contractor to accept and fulfill a rated order, and how issues involving rated orders are handled.

DPA Guidance and Publications