Our exam FM question bank takes your game to the next level with hundreds of exam-style practice questions made by actuaries and academics. All questions come with detailed answer explanations so you can easily spot your mistakes and improve quickly.
Our online-based quizzes allow you to simulate each section of the SOA FM exam and create realistic practice exams. Moreover, our advanced analytics dashboard will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses so you can pinpoint those areas that need more attention.
Our support team of actuaries and financial practitioners is always available to answer your questions. You can literally ask them anything about the exam, and they will know how to reassure you and send you on the right track.
AnalystPrep's study notes have been designed by practitioners and academics so you can better understand each calculation step involved in solving complicated financial mathematics questions.
SOA Exam FM is usually the second exam most actuarials students sit for. It consists of a vast amount of material contained made up of 8 different topics. Since the amount of information to memorize and understand can be overwhelming, we’ve produced comprehensive Financial Mathematics study notes in an easy-to-read format to help you learn efficiently and effectively. These study notes cover each learning objective given by the Society of Actuaries one-by-one.
Our Exam FM question bank has been developed by academics in the field of actuarial sicences with first-hand experience of the exam. Our instructors know what it takes to pass. Our question bank is divided into specific topics to help you attain an all-round understanding of the curriculum. Every question is accompanied by a detailed solution.
Some harder concepts such as Macaulay duration, immunization, and interest rate swaps are well covered in our extensive study notes and question bank. In the event that you’d like some clarification on a specific concept, our instructors are reachable round the clock. Plus, you can create an unlimited number of customizable quizzes to focus on certain topics that need specific attention.